From Old Masters to contemporary works on varied supports: canvas, wood panel, copper, stone, board, leather, and other.

From Old Masters to contemporary works on varied supports: canvas, wood panel, copper, stone, board, leather, and other.


Three dimensional works of art from antiquity to the present executed in marble, sandstone, limestone, wood, ceramics, bronze, bone, and other.

Three dimensional works of art from antiquity to the present executed in marble, sandstone, limestone, wood, ceramics, bronze, bone, and other.


Different periods and styles from relatively simple to elaborately carved and gilded.

Different periods and styles from relatively simple to elaborately carved and gilded.


Restoration Process

Dirt, aged surface coatings, overpaints and other alterations can obscure and disfigure works of art. To reveal their original beauty, we first ensure each piece's structural stability, then undertake corrective steps necessary to remove past restorations, grime, and other deposits.

Canvas supports are evaluated, all holes, tears and distortions repaired. In panel paintings, uneven breaks and old joints are realigned and eroding wood is consolidated.

Losses in ground and paint layers are filled, textured and inpainted with restoration colours to seamlessly match the surrounding design, after which the paintings are coated with a non-yellowing, protective layer of synthetic varnish.

Objects which have broken into fragments can be re-assembled, missing decorative and sculptural elements re-carved or entirely re-created to match the original medium.

Each project is assessed individually. Some may require additional attention such as canvas re-lining, panel support reconstruction, cradling removal, building of a flexible, auxiliary support for panel paintings, duchmen and more.

*Atelier Art Conservation does not offer Fine Art appraisals.
For this type of evaluation, please contact an appraisal firm or auction house.